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R. Lijek with Mount Holyoke student co-authors M. Dresler, E. Webster, L. Berclaz, S. Breen, D. Hardrick, A. Taylor, J. Graham, and K. Seiger, presented research on Chlamydia pathogenesis and vaccines at the 2022 Gordon Research Conference on Microbial Toxins and Pathogenicity.

Rebeccah Lijek, with Mount Holyoke student co-authors C. Wang, H. Knapp-Broas, J. Graham, K. W. Seiger, E. Webster, presented research on Chlamydia pathogenesis and vaccines at the 2021 World Microbe Forum and 2021 Boston Bacterial Meeting, where Lijek chaired a session on Host-Microbe Interactions.

Markovits, E. (2023) “The Sovereign and the Tyrant: Boundaries and Violation in Oedipus,” in E. Atanassow, T. Bartscherer, and D. Bateman (Eds). When the People Rule: Popular sovereignty in theory and practice (56-81). Cambridge University Press.

McMenamin, M. (2023) New book Chiral Paleeontology (MedTech Science Press, 2023)

Paleontology lab has discovered the first direct evidence for coloration in a Permian vertebrate (approximately 280 million years old). Students from the Spring 2022 Geol 116 Art in Paleontology class contributed to this study.

Wang C., Teng L., Liu Z.S., Kamalova A., McMenimen KA., HspB5 Chaperone Structure and Activity Are Modulated by Chemical-Scale Interactions in the ACD Dimer Interface. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(1):471. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25010471

Coe, N. R., Mulder, O., & Mulder, K. (2023). Examining the effect of beech bark disease on radial growth in American beech. Forests, 14, 312.

Norling, J. (2022). Fertility Following Natural Disasters and Epidemics in Africa. World Bank Economic Review, 36(4).

Packard, B.W., Tuladhar, C.* & Lee, J.* (2013). Advising in the classroom; How community college STEM faculty support transfer-bound students.  Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(4), 54-60.
* indicates Ƶapp student/alum

Packard, B. W., Leach, M.*, Ruiz, Y.*, Nelson, C.*, & DiCocco, H.* (2012). School-to-work transitions of career and technical education graduates. Career Development Quarterly60(4), 134-144.
* indicates Ƶapp student/alum