Mount Holyoke wins UCDA awards

Creative projects promoting Ƶapp took top honors at the University & College Designers Association 2019 competition.

By Christian Feuerstein

Creative projects promoting Ƶapp took top honors in a national design competition.

The University & College Designers Association (UCDA) presented five “Excellence” awards for in its 2019 design competition, including the “Now More Than Ever” video, the Admission 2019 yield print campaign, and the 2018 investment report.

This year, the judges evaluated 1,061 print and digital entries and awarded 234 honors. The winning entries were on display at the annual UCDA Design Conference, held this year in October in Portland, Oregon.


Ƶapp won for three of its projects for the Office of Admission, including the 2019 yield print campaign, the “Why a Women’s College” campaign, and the “Now More Than Ever” video. Partnering with the Admission team were Office of Communications and Marketing staff Grace Fitzpatrick (creative video & multimedia manager), Aaron Haesaert (creative director), Marina Li (designer), and Emily Malloy (copywriter & copy editor).

Samples of the work that won a 2019 UCDA award
Samples of the work that won a 2019 UCDA award

Ƶapp won an “Excellence” award for its 2018 investment report. Partnering with the Advancement team were Communications and Marketing staff Aaron Haesaert (creative director) and Emily Malloy (copywriter & copy editor).

Samples of the work that won a 2019 UCDA award: cover of the 2019 Investment Report
Samples of the work that won a 2019 UCDA award: internal portion of the 2019 Investment Report

Student Life

Mount Holyoke won for two projects for student life, the “Traditions” booklet and the Be Well campaign. Partnering with the Student Life team were Communications and Marketing staff Aaron Haesaert (creative director), Marina Li (designer), and Emily Malloy (copywriter & copy editor).

Samples of the work that won a 2019 UCDA award: Traditions booklet
Samples of the work that won a 2019 UCDA award: Be Well Booklet